We speak of this ineffable within language. We see through the structure of the language in which these words are communicated. Through this lens- there appears to be an linear order of causal events arising with the One. While this remains true, the reverse position could and should also be seen... as true.
Chaos, void, zero, nothing, totality, circle
fullness as emptiness, emptiness as fullness,
Sunyata, pleroma, without beginning or end,
from which we are born and to which we die in every moment,
the cosmic womb of infinite All-Mother
maya, matter, mary, mama matrix most mysterious
mind of the multiverse multiplying infinite multitudes of mysteries
into multifold fractal forms known through eternal contemplation
by the One, The Monad, All-Father.
A knower cannot know without something to be known,
so knower and known are mutually arising.
Where nothing, standing before itself, becomes something,
So knower and the known are intertwined like Ouroboros,
and their movement moved the unmoved eternal stillness of the Aeons,
giving birth to knowing.
A single point in empty space is void without relation, and the relative space between any two points cannot be determined without a third point of reference. Three points are the minimum required to enclose a geometrical space upon a two dimensional plane. One point of the Knower, looks at the second point, the Known, through a third, the Knowing.
Knowing is an aspect of the One which seemingly has split itself, giving an end to that which was endless, and a beginning to that which is eternal, a story to a world without time, the One to the many, the many to the One, a coincidence of opposites or coincidentia oppositorum. This union creates a bounded membrane circle without circumference whose center is everywhere as an ecstatic big bang birthing Tao, the twin children of time, reflections as if fractal reiterations of their parents, two aspects of a single being seeking reconciliation but already reconciled outside of their membrane in eternity. Omni-potence and Omni-science, Demiurgos and Sophia, limitation and infinity, repulsion and attraction, overlapping circles that form an ellipse.
This ellipse in the space between can be seen as a divine zygote seed being growing, branching into the Tree of Life. Upon which spirals the cosmic serpent, the universe as unitary lifeform, in fractal reflection of the infinite multiversal totality.
from the source comes the One,
mutually arising,
the One flows over in abundance (1)
in fractal reflection upon itself which causes duality(2)
when reflected upon by the One,(1)+ Duality (2)= reaches Completion (3)
[a trinity? first person, second person, third person view?]
the completion of duality (2+3) =
is manifested in the microcosm of humanity (5)
[think five fingers on each hand,
the pentacle or da vinci's vitruvian man]
the completion (3)+ of humanity (5)=
is knowledge of the infinite (8)
(the beginning of Fibonacci sequence)
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